...Wake up. 9:30. Let the cat in, as her vocal talents exceed my own first thing in the morning.
Oh what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day! Southern California can be annoyingly perfect weather but some days that's just what you want. Yesterday was rain, today we move on from the rain.
...Joe leaves for work, I get up. Splash my face with water, the morning business. Make coffee! Sometimes I'll make Zhena's tea in the coconut chai form, to wake myself up a bit. I should not be having coffee, as it gives me the shakes a bit. Today, however, it is the french press, with the real deal.
Today is New Years Eve, and the start of my primarily baking blog. I hadn't thought of it before now, but to start something on the last day of the year doesn't usually happen. What good would come from me waiting one more day? When it is time, it is time. And right now, it is time to push down the french press...
Today, I shall be baking some bread. It is a plain loaf of white bread. Well, two plain loaves in fact (since that is what the recipe says). From the joy of Cooking, an essential kitchen reference. Starting simple with what I've done before, as to not disappoint myself on this glorious first day of blogging. This idea originated (to me) from my mother back on Long Island when I was probably 8 years old or so. What she did, and I now do, with this magnificent bread... is get it all ready in the dough form, then roll it our like a thick pizza dough. Then you make pizza on it, yes that's right, make pizza as what turns out to be INSIDE the bread. Insert picture here... No no, nevermind, it's up on the top of the page (ha!). So that's the pizza bread. Today, however I am going to make a sweeter version rather than this savory masterpiece (I say masterpiece not because I believe I am that good, but because this bread is that friggin good, Thanks Mom!). Today, I will roll out the bread dough and spread some blueberry preserves over as if it were tomato sauce. Well, maybe not that much of it, but i'll take pictures and show you. Ok... here we go! I'll be back later with more.
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